By 10 June 2024


History: Burrata was born at the beginning of the 1930s, when, due to a heavy snowfall, the Andriesi cheesemakers (experts in the art of Manteca, i.e. the art of preserving butter in scamorza paste), were unable to bring milk from the slopes of Castel del Monte (famous manor of Frederick II of Swabia) to the city of Andria, they had to transform the raw material (milk) so as not to waste it. So it was that, using the same techniques for making manteca, they created a bag made of spun paste and filled it with shreds of the same paste immersed in the cream that naturally emerged from the milk (he gave the name stracciatella to this filling, precisely because the stretched curd was “torn”), finally, they enclosed everything giving the product a characteristic apical closure, thus the first Burrata di Andria was born.
Today the Burrata of Andria is the highest agri-food expression of Puglia, an example of the ability to make a virtue out of necessity, of how the knowledge and culture of a territory can solve a problem even creating an Excellence… Excellence not only gastronomic but above all Cultural, capable of representing an entire territory, its values, its history and its inhabitants.
Distinguishing features:
1) Raw materials selected and compulsorily complying with the quality parameters established by the production specifications both from a physical-chemical and organoleptic, as well as hygienic-sanitary point of view;
Fat w/w > 3.30 %
Protein w/w > 3.20%
Somatic cells ≤ 400,000 cells/ml
Inhibitors absent
Cryoscopic index < 520 mc°
Mesophilic bacterial load 30° C ≤ 100,000 cfu/ml for pasteurized milk
Mesophilic bacterial load 30 °C ≤ 300,000 cfu / ml for raw milk
Acidity degrees SH % 6.00:8.00, or pH 6.60:6.80
Aflatoxin M1 < 0.05 ppb
if raw milk positive
if pasteurized milk negative
2) shred* the pasta until you obtain thin “irregular lights”
3) thin and uniform external bag (or casing), around 2 mm thick,
4) cream leakage and frays when cut,
5) apical closure
6) pleasant hints of fresh lactic and cream on the palate,
7) weight between 100 and 1000 grams,
8) to be stored at + 4°, to be consumed preferably by bringing it to the table one or two hours before consumption.
*the fraying is made up of the thin irregular filaments of stretched curd which together with the cream make up the filling of the Burrata di Andria (called “Stracciatella” – a term which recalls the “tearing” of breaking the stretched curd into filaments)
– Curiosity, when Burrata di Andria was invented, the bag was blown by mouth (inflated like a balloon), today this operation is no longer possible for obvious health reasons.
– Curiosity, in the past the product was wrapped with asphodel leaves, a typical Murgia plant, today this packaging is no longer possible in compliance with health regulations, therefore fake asphodel leaves are used in the packaging.
– The I.G.P. Recognition : in November 2016 Burrata was recognized by the European Union as a Protected Geographical Indication product with the name Burrata di Andria, therefore equipped with:
1) of a production specification that regulates the quality of the raw materials, the production and packaging methods, the affixing of logos and the complete traceability of the product from the raw material to the finished product.
2) a system of controls that each producer must accept and respect and which provides for both the intervention of a control body, appointed by MASAF, which verifies compliance with the specifications by the producers, and the intervention of the Consortium, recognized by MASAF itself, which protects the denomination.



In February 2017, the Consortium for the protection of Burrata di Andria PGI was established with the aim of enhancing and promoting the Geographical Indication product, now made up of n. 15 of the most important Apulian dairy companies, has obtained recognition from the Ministry of Agriculture to carry out the functions of protection of the Geographical Indication product with Ministerial Decree N.0036584 of 05/16/2018 and can act in any location to protect Burrata di Andria PGI from fraud, imitations and information that can confuse or deceive the consumer.
The need to protect Burrata arises from the desire to defend our Excellence from continuous imitations from abroad and to prevent Burrata from being diminished and ending up in the oblivion of vulgarization due to the improper use of the term burrata. Today, through PGI logos, it is possible to indicate to consumers all over the world what the original product is.
The Burrata di Andria was born with a great vocation for foreign markets, known, in the sixties, was in fact the passion of the Scia di Persia for our Excellence who asked for it to be shipped by air to have it as fresh as possible. While it is true that the main market is the Italian and European one, the fame of Burrata di Andria is now known throughout the world from New York to Dubai from Vancouver to Singapore without neglecting Shanghai and Tokyo, thanks also to its presence in haute cuisine, it is now synonymous with “Italianness” in the best starred restaurants around the world and its numerous imitations can only attest to its success.

Tel. 0883 550600



4 people

Ingredients for 4 people
Fresh pasta :
– 150 g re-milled semolina
– 150 g “00” flour
– 150 g egg yolk
– 1 whole egg
Mix all the ingredients together, once the dough is finished, cover it with cling film and let it rest in the fridge until the next day.

Parmesan filling:
– 3 aubergines
– 3 eggs
– Flour QB
– 2 Burrata di Andria PGI (2 x 125g)
– Tomato sauce to taste
– Basil
– Salt

Cut the aubergines into slices and place them in a pasta strainer sprinkled with coarse salt under a weight to eliminate the water and bitterness of the aubergine, all for at least a couple of hours.
Then flour the slices, turn them in the egg and fry them in oil at 180 degrees and drain them on absorbent paper. Now compose our parmigiana by placing our aubergines in a pan followed by the tomato sauce, the Burrata di Andria PGI and basil and so on for another three layers, finishing with the tomato sauce and baking at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Once our parmigiana is ready, let it cool and then blend it with the help of a mini-pimer to create our filling for the cappelletto.
Once everything is ready, we roll out our dough to a thickness of 0.5 mm and with a round pastry cutter we form the dough and place our filling in the center and close, giving shape to the cappelletto.
We cook the pasta in boiling salted water for 5 minutes, drain it and sauté it in the pan with a little butter and basil, complete with our foam made with Burrata di Andria PGI blended and placed in a kitchen siphon.


