By 28 February 2024


“The consolidated text approved today represents the right synthesis of a positive, complex path shared by all EU countries: thanks to uniformity of rules, Italian agri-food has an edge from today. We carefully monitor the national decree activity which will have to transpose and harmonize the community rules, aware that the current structure of the Consortia has proven to be successful and therefore must not be overturned. A delicate step to which MASAF will be called and for which Afidop is immediately available”. Thus Antonio Auricchio, president of AFIDOP – Association of Italian PDO and PGI Cheeses in relation to the vote of the European Parliament which today ratified the approval of the regulation on the revision of Geographical Indications.

The one approved today is a strategic reform for Afidop for a key sector which in Europe has over 3,410 products and is worth over 73 billion euros, but even more so for the Italian PDO and PGI cheese supply chain, which with 55 denominations and a production value of over 5.2 billion holds the world record for the number of certified dairy products. Sustainability is also among the novelties of the text, dear to Afidop.

“The GI reform – continues Auricchio – will allow the Consortia to claim the degree of environmental, economic and social sustainability within the supply chains. An aspect on which Afidop and its associates have been working for some time with numerous projects in the field, with the aim of pooling experiences and drawing up guidelines for compiling sustainability reports. A key step – concludes Auricchio – for the diffusion of increasingly green practices throughout the entire sector”.